Why Should You Use SendContact NFC Cards Instead of QR Codes?

QR codes have become the primary source for sharing information and business details. Business owners have increased their network using QR codes. But the question is, are QR codes only the way to network? The answer is “NO”. There is an emerging alternative that offers multiple benefits- SendContact NFC cards. If you are doubtful about […]
SendContact for Musicians: How They Can Use it?

SendContact is known for networking, but it’s not limited to business owners. If you are a musician, you can also use SendContact to promote yourself and your art. You can share your talent online and connect with your audience, enhancing your reach. The positive part is sharing with SendContact is simple and effortless. In this […]
How Does the Smart NFC Business Card Work?

With time, business cards have evolved to a great extent. Today, plastic business cards are in demand with an innovative approach- NFC technology. It has enhanced the classic exchange of contact information, making it more efficient and memorable. An NFC business card has an NFC chip that helps NFC-enabled devices to read all the details. […]
What are the Benefits of SendContact Over Apple’s NameDrop?

With an increasing Apple users’ number, the NameDrop feature has gained a huge recognition. People, especially business owners, are using this feature for networking purposes. They are attracting their potential customers and expanding their businesses only by tapping their devices together. It’s said to be the right use of technology. In this discussion, people often […]
Can I Update My SendContact NFC Card After Giving It to Others?

NFC, or Near Field Communication technology, has revolutionized how we connect and share information for networking and professional interactions. That’s why the demand for SendContact NFC cards has increased. But people have a common question they can update details on their NFC cards after sharing them with others. The answer to this question is “YES”. […]
How Can You Make More Sales with SendContact?

What matters to exhibitors is more and more sales. They take every possible step to prevent their customers from going to competitors. But it is challenging. If you are an exhibitor facing the same problem, we have a solution: download SendContact. The platform is easy to use, get customers, and increase your sales. Also, it’s […]
What Makes the SendContact Different from Others in the Market?

Before downloading SendContact, people often question how it is different from other platforms because it’s new in the market with the latest technology. They often think about competitors and analyze them on different factors to make an informed decision. Sometimes, the analysis is not as expected, delivering inaccurate results. In this post, we will discuss […]
How to Create a Digital Business Card Using SendContact

Creating a business card was a challenging task in the past as there was no such user-friendly platform. But today, it has become easy because of SendContact. The app offers many tools to help you create a stunning virtual business card. Not only for creating, but SendContact is perfect for sharing your business card online. […]
SendContact: A Free Digital Business Card App

Digitalization has become a core aspect of today’s era. Everything is digitalized, even your business card. But the thing is that it has taken a step ahead with the help of SendContact. Previously, business owners or other people used to share their digital business cards individually on the numbers saved on their phones. They used […]
Benefits of an NFC Contact Card

In today’s competitive business environment, organizations need to stay ahead. What can help them in this is technology. Remember, technology streamlines the operations and increases the efficiency of the invaluable assets. An NFC contact card is one such technology that helps you control your business operations by managing contacts and networking with potential customers. In […]